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Vorpal’s main page has the lead of each article. To read the full article, click on the more link at the bottom of the story and it will open the entire essay in its own page�
If you want to comment on the posts or write something new you must register and login.
To register, just click on the Register link at the top right of the page, choose a Nom de Plume and your e-mail address and a password will be sent to you. (your e-mail is for internal use only, it is not visible to viewers of the site unless you write it in a post or comment) [Due to spamming, subscriptions have been turned off]
Come back to the site and login with the password you were sent. You can update your Profile. This is where you enter and update your user information. You can fill in as much or as little as you wish of your personal information. You probably want to change your password to something you can remember. You don’t have to use your real name – perhaps you want an alter-ego.
If you are logged in you can add your comments in the form at the bottom of the article.
For those who use del.icio.us, the icon, , is used to make the article one of your del.icio.us favorites.
The Dashboard has links to the advanced administration and authoring features. You edit your comments, pages or posts. (A page is an undated entry accessed from the sidebar, a post is dated and referenced by category, while comments are attached to posts)
You can use the built-in editor or import text or HTML files using the tools.
Please check the page About this Site before posting for guidelines.
Enjoy reading and contributing!
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